Carrick Road Runners Athletic Club, Co. Tipperary, Ireland

Great Double for Brian Murphy  

Carrick AC runner, Brian Murphy, enjoyed success on the double last weekend when he achieved two notable victories within the space of twenty-four hours. On Saturday last, Brian was among a field of 336 runners for the annual Anne Valley Challenge over five miles in Dunhill. Brian came home a clear winner over the challenging course with a time of 26:49. Second and third places went to Trevor Bowe and Conor Rocheford with times of 27:25 and 28:04 respectively. Carrick AC's Brendan Cronin (33:13) and Seamus Ward (35:04) also put in fine efforts in the men's race while Geraldine Houlihan (46:12) and Melanie Ward (47:06) represented the club in the ladies' event. 
On the following day, Brian Murphy travelled to Kilmacthomas for the annual Bausch and Lomb 5-mile race and again came home well ahead of the field in a time of 25:39. Brian Byrne (West Waterford AC) took second place in 26:38 and Danny Smith (Ballynonty AC) was third in 26:48. It was good to see Carrick AC's John O' Sullivan back on the road-racing circuit and he will have been pleased with his run in 32:20. Ann Cronin (41:58) and Geraldine Houlihan (42:16) also put in fine performances here. Well done to all our runners.   
Spring Training Programme
The club's Spring Training Programme continues in Kildalton College, Piltown, every Tuesday evening at 7pm. This Tuesday, February 25th, will see the first of four 'countdown to zero' runs where runners set off at a time of their choosing with the aim of finishing the 5km run as the clock reaches 00:00. The athlete who is closest to zero is the winner each week. All participants are reminded that watches must not be worn during these runs.
There will be no weekly charge for these sessions but they are restricted to members. Therefore, we are asking all who come along to join the club for 2014 (membership is €30) and this will cover all Tuesday training sessions up to the start of next October's Winter League. Members are also entitled to run in any County Tipperary championship races free of charge for this calendar year. Club membership can be paid to Club Treasurer, Tom Egan, or any of the committee members.