Carrick Road Runners Athletic Club, Co. Tipperary, Ireland

 Winter League 
The SuperValu Winter League is now in full swing with very good numbers participating every Tuesday in Kildalton College, Piltown.The first group of runners start at 7pm sharp each week and groups start at two-minute intervals after that. Remember to wear your race number and high-viz vest every week.You can see your time from the previous week and your starting time at registration.
Flag Day this Saturday
Our club's annual Flag Day will take place this Saturday, 26th November, in Carrick-on-Suir.As this is a hugely important fund-raising event for the club, we would ask all members to volunteer for duty at one of our collection points.Contact Susan, Catherine or any of the committee members if you are willing to help out.
Runners Clinic a great success!

 The fourth Outfield Sports Runners Clinic was held last Thursday night in the Clonmel Park Hotel, and despite an awful night weather wise, a full house of 68 runners filled the hall.
The night began with a very informative presentation from Jonathan Ritchie of Nike on bare foot running , its pros and cons and how the new range of Nike Free can help runners . The key point to come out of this talk was anyone who is considering bare foot running needs to approach it in a progessive fashion and build up slowly.
Second up on the night was Ciara Losty from W.I.T. Ciara, who is a Sports Psychologist, gave an excellent talk on ways to avoid "Hitting the Wall", either before,during or after a race or a training run. Her practical tips shared on the night are sure to help all who attended.
 Finally, Fran Mulcahy of the South Tipperary Injury Clinic in Clonmel covered ways to avoid running injuries and how to manage an injury when you get one. Her practical demonstration on stretching will be of great benefit to all standards of runners.
 Alan Treacy of Outfield Sports wrapped up the night by thanking all the guest speakers, and both Clonmel A.C. and Carrick on Suir A.C. . He hoped everyone would take something from the night and investigate it further.
 There was a collection and raffle on the night in aid of the South Tipperary Hospice Movement and €585 was raised. A big thank you to all who supported this worthy cause.