Carrick Road Runners Athletic Club, Co. Tipperary, Ireland

SuperValu Winter League
The SuperValu Winter League continues in Kildalton College, Piltown, every Tuesday evening with a 7pm sharp starting time for the first group of runners.All who participated in the 'mass start' run will now have been assigned a starting time- you can see these on display at registration each week.Runners will begin the 5km at two-minute intervals with the fastest runners starting last.
All athletes are reminded to wear their race numbers and a high-viz vest every week.We also ask that each participant volunteer for stewarding or timing on at least one Tuesday evening.This ensures that every body completes the requisite number of runs in order to register a score.
Runners' Clinic
Outfield Sports, Carrick-on-Suir, are organising a runners' clinic in conjunction with Carrick AC and Clonmel AC on this Thursday evening, 17th November in the Clonmel Park Hotel at 7:30pm.This will be the fourth such clinic in the last few years and it promises to be a most informative evening for runners of all levels.As usual, there is no charge for the clinic but there will be an opportunity for all attending to contribute to the South Tipperary Hospice Movement.If you have any queries regarding the clinic, contact Alan on 051-641826 or 087-2394720.
Christmas Party
Club members should keep the evening of Saturday, 10th December free in their diaries for this year's Christmas Party.As many of our members are currently training for the Waterford AC Half-Marathon on that day, it will be an ideal chance for runners to relax and discuss the race.Further details next week.
Flag Day
The club's annual Flag Day will be held in Carrick-on-Suir on Saturday, 26th November.We would greatly appreciate the help of club members at the various collection points on the day.Please contact Susan or Catherine to put your name on the roster.
Marathon Correction
Club member David Waters completed the recent Dublin City Marathon in a time of 2:59:29 and not as previously reported in these notes.This means that David has now broken the magical 3-hour barrier in both of his marathon starts.