Carrick Road Runners Athletic Club, Co. Tipperary, Ireland

Recent Results

Martina O' Dwyer posted two more victories on the road race circuit in recent weeks to continue her fine form this year. At the Clashmore 5-mile race Martina won the ladies' race in a time of 30:57 with Carrick AC's only other representative, Geraldine Houlihan, coming home in a time of 43:13. At the Dromana '5' on Friday last, Martina finished first in 30:55 with West Waterford AC's Sinead Mansfield second in 31:22. Geraldine Houlihan clocked 43:12 and Tommy Falconer finished in eighteenth place overall with a time of 30:14. At the Munster Track and Field Championships in Cork IT, Patrick Roche took silver in the men's O/35 3,000 metres. Well done to all our runners.
Club Training
The club's regular Tuesday evening training will take place in Rathgormack for the next three weeks, June 24th, July 1st and 8th. Starting at 7 pm each week, runners will have the opportunity to try out the race route for the AutoPower Rathgormack '5' which will take place on Friday, July 11th. All are welcome.