Carrick Road Runners Athletic Club, Co. Tipperary, Ireland

Lions Club Run and Walk

The annual run and walk in aid of Carrick-on-Suir Lions Club will be held on this Tuesday evening, May 20th. The start will as usual be from Ormonde Castle at 7pm. Runners will take in a loop of the Kilonerry circuit while the walkers will take the scenic track along the river bank on the Clonmel road. There will be refreshments for all afterwards at Nano Nagle Centre.
Martina in Flying Form
Martina O' Dwyer continued her good form on the road-racing circuit with two fine performances last week. She took first place in the Mooncoin 8k run on Monday last with a time of 31:42 and followed up with a second-place finish at the Stoneyford 10k in a personal best time of 37:41.  

Club Training
With the Deadman's 5-mile race coming up in a few weeks' time there will be a chance for all to sample the race route on Tuesday, 27th May. Expert advice and tips on how best to approach the race will also be available from running coach, James Sullivan. Runners will meet at 7 pm at the library in Carrick-on-Suir and all are welcome.