Carrick Road Runners Athletic Club, Co. Tipperary, Ireland
SuperValu Winter League 
Last Tuesday evening saw the launch of this year's Winter League in Kildalton College, Piltown, with a registration night for the ten-week series of runs. Once again, the league has been very kindly sponsored by SuperValu, Carrick-on-Suir. SuperValu has been associated with the league since its inception and the club is very grateful for the continued sponsorship of this successful local business. Most of the runners who registered stayed on for a trial run over the 5km route which will be in use for the next ten Tuesday evenings. However, it is not too late to register as the committee members will be on hand this Tuesday from 6:30pm to accept any late entries. The league proper will commence this week with a mass start at 7 pm sharp. Runners will then be graded on their finishing times so that for the remaining nine weeks runners will start in groups at two-minute intervals.The first group will commence at 7pm every week with the fastest runners going off in the final group. The league will conclude this year on Tuesday, December 11th when the winners of the many prizes will be decided. It is very important for the safety of all that runners wear a reflective bib and run on the right-hand side of the college avenue. Runners should be aware of their starting times each week and ensure that they start with the correct group. Starting times and weekly updates can be viewed on the club's website,  and also at registration in Kildalton College.
Charleville Half-Marathon
Well done to Carrick AC runner, Brian Murphy, on finishing in eleventh position at the recent Charleville Half-Marathon. Brian ran a superb time of 71:55 in this very hotly contested event. A total of 635 runners took part with the first seven finishers all breaking the 70-minute barrier for the 13.1 mile run.