Carrick Road Runners Athletic Club, Co. Tipperary, Ireland

Fit-4-life Underway!

This year's Fit-4-Life programme got off to a good start on Tuesday evening last when a sizeable attendance gathered at the library car-park in Carrick and commenced training on the Lower Ballylynch road. This is an excellent venue as the road is not busy and is very well-lit. Remember that it is never too late to join the Fit-4-Life group and they will have one more introductory evening this week (Tuesday 20th March at 7pm from the library) before moving to Kildalton College, Piltown for a few weeks and then further afield. Many participants have already targetted the 5 km Champion Kiely run in Ballyneale next June as a race they hope to complete and the Carrick AC summer series continues with races over 5miles in Carrick and Rathgormack and 10km in Piltown.
Ned Kelly 4-mile Race
There were some fine performances from Carrick AC runners at the annual Ned Kelly 4-mile road race in Moyglass on St. Patrick's Day. Patrick Roche ran a very fast 22:12 to finish in third place in the men's event which was won by Kevin Moore (Dundrum AC). Martina O' Dwyer was second in the ladies' race with a time of 24:21. This event was won by Angela McCann (Clonmel AC). Brendan Cronin was second in the O/50 category with a time of 24:31 while Ann Cronin took the honours in the ladies' O/45 category.Well done to all our runners.
Mallow 10-mile race
Carrick AC's Tommy Falconer put in a great run to once again break the 60-minute barrier at the Kostal Mallow 10-mile road race on Monday. Tommy clocked a time of 59:16 to finish in 30th place in a field of over 1,000 runners and is in fine form for the upcoming County Novice 'B' championships.
All in the club extend warmest congratulations to club members Geraldine and Mark Clery on the recent birth of their baby boy. 
Wed. 28th March ; Clonmel AC Inter-Firms 4-mile road race, 7pm
Sun. 1st April  :  County Novice 'B' championships, Moyne