Carrick Road Runners Athletic Club, Co. Tipperary, Ireland

Brian Murphy To Represent Ireland



Congratulations to Carrick AC runner, Brian Murphy, who will represent Ireland at the forthcoming British and Irish Cross-Country Masters Championships in Nottingham. Brian qualified by finishing in sixth place at the recent AAI Autumn Cross-Country races. All in the club are very proud of Brian's achievement and wish him the best of luck on his international debut in a couple of weeks' time.



Dublin City Marathon


Carrick AC was represented by three of our club members at the Dublin City Marathon on the October Bank Holiday Monday. Derek Walsh ran another sub-three hour marathon in conditions that were quite difficult on the day. Derek came home in 2 hours 55 mins. Andrew Downey also had a very good run to finish in 3 hours 10 mins and Michael O' Sullivan clocked 3 hours 25 mins. Well done to our three representatives.



SuperValu Winter League


The SuperValu Winter League continues with the sixth of this year's eleven 5k runs on this Tuesday, November 4th at Kildalton College, Piltown. As always, the clock starts at 7pm and runners commence in groups at two-minute intervals. Last week saw James Sullivan complete the course in a very speedy 16:14 to cross the line first ahead of Killian O' Sullivan and Amy Kilcline.