Carrick Road Runners Athletic Club, Co. Tipperary, Ireland
Munster Indoor Championships
There were some fine performances from Carrick AC athletes at the recent Munster Senior and Masters Track and Field Championships in Nenagh. Martina O' Dwyer ran a time of 4:59 for the Senior 1500 metres and took third place and the bronze medal. Patrick Roche finished third in the Masters 3000m and claimed the silver medal for the O/35 category with a time of 9:46. Tommy Falconer finished fourth in the Senior 800m with a time of 2:18. Well done to our three representatives.
The club's annual Fit-4-Life programme got off to a flying start last Tuesday evening in Kildalton College, Piltown. There was a great turnout of runners of all abilities and James Sullivan, personal trainer and physiotherapist, was on hand to provide some very useful advice to all. These sessions are open to all and will continue each Tuesday at 7pm in Kildalton College. They provide an ideal opportunity to achieve new fitness levels or as a foundation for participation in some of the club's upcoming events. Simply come along any Tuesday to enjoy the benefits of group training - just be sure to wear a reflective/hi-viz bib or jacket for safety.      
Club Membership
The club's membership fee remains at €30 and is now due for the 2013 calendar year. Membership can now be paid to club Treadurer, Tom Egan, or any of the committee members.