Carrick Road Runners Athletic Club, Co. Tipperary, Ireland
SuperValu Winter League- Week 2
The second 5k run in this year's SuperValu Winter League in Kildalton College last Tuesday saw no fewer than 78 of the 90 runners improve on their first week's time. The fastest time on the night (16:53) was recorded by Tommy Falconer, just one second quicker than Patrick Roche.Andrew Downey clocked a fine time of 17:38 and is showing great form ahead of the Dublin City Marathon next week.Willie Hempenstall (17:43) and Daragh Byrne (17:44) were right on Andrew's heels. Martina O' Dwyer (18:40) was the fastest lady last week just ahead of Claire Annan (18:52). Tara O' Donnell, a regular participant in the league, recorded her fastest ever time of 21:53 while Emer O' Brien finished in 22:05.
The top ten points scorers for week 2 were :
1. Daragh Byrne   2. Martina O' Dwyer   3. Tom Doherty   4. Ger Brennan   5. TJ Vandervalk   6. Liam Rockett   7. Richard McCarthy   8. Donal O' Brien   9. Melanie Ward   10. Nicky Fortune
The winner of the league will be the runner with the lowest points total. Each athlete's eight best scores will count so that gives everyone an opportunity to volunteer for stewarding duties on at least one Tuesday evening. This will also give the regular stewards and committee members a chance to take part in some of the runs.
The full results and points for each runner can be viewed on the club website Starting times for week 3 have also been posted on the site so that all runners are aware of when to commence their run. The clock will again start at 7pm sharp and the first group begins when the clock reaches 2 minutes with the final group starting at 22 minutes. Please remember to run on the right-hand side of the avenue and to wear a reflective vest/bib at all times.       
Newcastle 5k 
Carrick AC athlete, Claire Annan, was in fantastic form at the recent 5k road race in Newcastle, Co. Tipperary. Claire finished in a time of 18:41 to take second prize in the ladies' race behind Angela McCann (Clonmel AC).
Sun. 28th Oct: County Tipperary Intermediate Cross-Country C'ships, Turnpike, Two-Mile-Borris, 12 noon
Tues. 23rd and 30th Oct : SuperValu Winter League, Kildalton College, Piltown, 7pm