Carrick Road Runners Athletic Club, Co. Tipperary, Ireland

Team Medals at Season Finale
The curtain came down on the Tipperary cross-country season last Sunday with the running of the Novice 'B' Championships in Ballynonty. The race was won by Kevin Moore (Dundrum) from Donal Horgan (Coolquill) and Padraig Coen (Dundrum). Carrick has had its most successful season to date and it was rounded off in fine style with our team taking the bronze medals behind Dundrum and Coolquill.Tommy Falconer led the team home in eighth place and was closely followed by James Fox (11th), Mark Connolly (13th) and Brendan Cronin (15th).Well done and enjoy the well-earned break,lads!
A.G. M.  2009  
All club members are invited to attend our Annual General Meeting on Thursday next, 26th November in the Carraig Hotel at 8pm. It has been an extremely busy and sucessful year for the club and this meeting is very important for its future direction, so please do come along and air your views.
Supervalu Winter League 
This year's league is proving to be very popular with 90 runners again taking part on Tuesday night last.Next week, Nov.24th, we will have a 'predict-your-time' run with prizes for the most accurate predictions - so no watches, egg-timers or  grandfather clocks on this run please! Just remember to bring your number and wear a high-viz bib so that motorists can see you.The clock starts each week at 7pm sharp.
Flag Day     
Our annual Flag Day takes place on this Saturday, Nov. 21st, and we would really appreciate any help from our club members as this is our club's most important fund-raising event for the year. A timetable for the day is being drawn up so just let any committee member know if you are available .